Here at NuVet Labs, we feel it is important to raise awareness when it comes to the struggles faced by homeless and shelter dogs, which is why we think it’s important to make our readers aware of doggie holidays. Why are holidays celebrating dogs important you might ask? Because they help shine a light on dog issues that impact not only the dog-owning community but also the world at large. Keep reading to learn about National Mutt Day.
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What is National Mutt Day?
Started in 2005 by animal expert Colleen Paige, National Mutt Day is held bi-annually on December 2nd and July 31st. According to, National Mutt Day is “all about embracing, saving and celebrating mixed breed dogs.” NuVet Labs would also like to point out thatNational Mutt Day also helps to raise awareness of the plight of shelter dogs of which the majority are mixed-breed dogs who are often more fondly referred to as mutts.
Ways you can help celebrate National Mutt Day:
- Adopt a Mutt – If you have been considering opening up your home and heart to a dog and you are ready, adopt a shelter dog on National Mutt Day.
- Volunteer at a shelter – Donate your free time on National Mutt Day. Go to your local animal shelter and offer to clean kennels, play with the residents or take them for a walk.
- Bake – If you like to bake why not use National Mutt Day as an excuse to do so. Find your favorite dog treat recipe and bake up a batch or two. Serve them to your favorite Mutt or donate them to an animal shelter. To raise money for your favorite shelter, package up your treats decoratively and sell them. Donate the proceeds to your favorite shelter.
- Give your favorite mutt a bath – Give your favorite mutt a bath or offer to give baths to dogs at the animal shelter.
- Donate – Take the opportunity on National Mutt Day to donate doggie supplies where needed. Toys, grooming supplies, treats, food and vitamins like NuVet Plus are appreciated donations at most animal shelters.
- Have a party – Have a National Mutt Day party! Invite all of your friends and their dogs. Provide, treats, food and games. Raffle off prizes or ask guests to make a donation to your National Mutt Day fund.
- Raise awareness about mutts – Send out a newsletter or email about the plight of shelter dogs. List some animal shelters in your area that need volunteers and donations.
So don’t forget National Mutt Day this year. Turn it into your own favorite holiday that you can celebrate with your dog loving friends, family and mutts. Improving the quality of life for all dogs is a priority here at NuVet Labs, which is why we created NuVet Plus. Comprised of high quality, human grade ingredients NuVet Plus has become the trusted supplement of discerning dog parents everywhere. Manufactured in an FDA registered lab we are confident that you won’t find another supplement like NuVet Plus. To learn what happy dog-parents are saying about this excellent product, visit NuVet Reviews.